
just a soul blipping about the planet

(giulia maria)

P.G. Wodehouse of the 21st century

"in 1904 anyone in the London writing world who had been to America was regarded with awe and looked upon as an authority on that terra incognita. ... After that trip to New York I was a man who counted. ... My income rose like a rocketing pheasant." - Whodehouse

Humans love to escape 

Those who help escape

Catch the pheasant

In 1904, a trip across the pond was drastic. We relied on the perspectives of a few to paint a complete scene. A triangle of a perspective: the simplest planed shape. 

By 2004, our shape gained a few more points and edges. More travel, more people- more photos and videos and books and movies....

In 2014, smartphone and YouTube made that shape almost indistinguishable from a circle. As many perspectives as people with a phone to share ‘em. 

So what about 2024?

We’re able to see other places on earth like never before.

Those who catch our attention are those who show it to us differently.

Maybe we’ll take that circle and give it a twist or inflate it out. Add a new dimension or two.

Maybe all we really want is to recognize our own attention, but instead we keep thinking about the pheasants…

Meaning and Purpose

Constraint Begets Creativity