
just a soul blipping about the planet

(giulia maria)


an investigative train of thought:


> pep… 

> pepto bismol?

Search: dyspeptic etymology

Result > Greek. dys (adj. “faulty”) + pessein (v. “to digest”)

Search: pepsin etymology

Result > Pepsin | Definition of Pepsin by Merriam-Webster: a protease of the stomach that breaks down most proteins to polypeptides

Search: pepto bismol etymology

Result > LA Times Article from 1992 (short version: Pepto = “marketeer’s version of pepsin” + Bismol = bismuth, “the active ingredient that works by ‘coating the stomach’”). Note: Pepto is now pepsin-less.

Search: Pepsi etymology

Result > “‘healthy’ cola that aided digestion. The word ‘Pepsi’ comes from the root for dyspepsia, which means indigestion”. 

Search: pep etymology

Result > English. Pepper —> pep. Early 20th Century: abbreviation of pepper (cit. Oxford Languages)


I guess pepper can irritate the stomach?

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