
just a soul spinning in space

(giulia maria)

Good Feelings

Connection, flowing...the unbearable lightness of being?

Or the incredibly bearable lightness of being oneself?

I feel so free, so capable of being open to connection: with others, with self, with the pieces of copper sitting on my desk...simply because I’m no longer feeling the anchoring weight of conformance. 

Of feeling I need to Be a certain way. Follow someone else’s beat. 

Recognizing I’m changing. Feeling that conviction. Other people recognizing I’m changing. Feeling their excitement for me. 

I feel invincible. Nothing stopping me today. An allowance of flowing at my pace.

The connection allows unwavering space for appreciation and gratitude to fill my being. Gratitude of the people around me, of the air I breathe, of the opportunities I’ve been given. 

I feel like a youthful child again: how they learn to spin and dance and fall and they do it so gracefully because they just follow their body, their own movements.

The personalization of fears, anxieties, worries...they’ve dissolved for this moment.  

Maybe they’ll be back in an hour, or tomorrow. But right now, everything feels joined in rhythmic coherence. 

Nov 6, 2020

Gender vs. Halloween Costume

Fish Market